To finish off the Meiji cheese I attempt on the Cheese & Lemon Chiffon Cake from the
Chiffon book I just bought. Though the reciepe call for cream cheese I simply replaced with the same amount of Meiji Melting Cheese. I baked the 20cm version recipes which called for 5 egg yolks (large) and 8 egg whites (large). However, I find the batter is kind of too much for the tin. As a result the top portion of the cake is slightly dense and not airy (too heavy? ) I also need to extend the baking time by about 12mins and covered the top of the cake to prevent it from getting burnt further... do you measure your chiffon tin? From the top or base. For my case I measure the top which is 20cm. The egg size I used is 65gm. Or is the egg size that is cosider too big? Hee....maybe my dear blogger guest can help me solve the problem. =) Pls share with me. Much Thanks!

Recipes (180c for 40 mins 20 cm tin)
160g cream cheese
130gm sugar
5 eggs yolk (large)
25g oil
25g lemon juice
70g milk
2/3 t lemon rid
130g cake flour
2/3 t baking powder
8 egg whites
1) Cream the cheese with 1/3 of the amount of sugar
2) Add one yolk at a time, follow by oil, lemon juice, milk, lemon rid.
3) fold in flour (sieve with baking powder) and the batter should be smooth
4) whisk egg white, add sugar and whisked till stiff peak
5) removed 1/3 of white into (3) and fold to form a smooth batter
6) pour (5) into remaining whisked whites and fold. Ensure whites is well cooperated into the batter and DO NOT over fold and inflate the whites
7) Pour (6) into baking tin at a height and bake
8) invert cake and unmould only when the cake is cool