Tuesday, September 21, 2010


First of all wishing all my friends and their family 中秋节快乐. This year I made a first attmept for baked and agar agar mooncakes. Don't think it pass the taste bud test in my family. So its 好看不好吃!

First is the baked mooncake, my dough appear like cookie dough, unlike what the book published. Maybe the process of pouring in the ingredients was mixed up. To add on, the recipe I adapted uses very little oil (9gm nia!) but lot more golden syrup. Could this be the reason? Still searching..............

Hubby say only filling and yolk is nice. Of coure they are nice cos its store bought =) I only make the skin ma!!!! Can see its very dry!

Next is my agar agar mooncake, I thought the soya milk will make a good combo. I used the new honey dew flavor soy milk as the skin, plain soya milk for filling + nata de coco and carrot juice for the yolk. Thinking they are sweet enough, I decided not to add more sugar to it. The end result is quite plain and its not crunchy type. Only Avrem give mummy face ~~~he say 还可以啦! haha.....

Salted egg yolk look alike ~ I used Carrot juice instead of adding color

Filling: Soya milk with nata de coco
Time to take a nice shot =)
Cross section filling oozing out


ann low said...

I think you have done a good job. Love that agar agar mould.

annann said...


DG said...

Hi Fatmum,
Wishes you and a family member joyful warm Mid-Autumn Festival!

Bakericious said...

happy belated mid autumn festival!

FATMUM said...

Thanks Anncoo, Annann, DG & Jess for the well wishes!