Starter dough ( can keep for at least 3 days. so long dough did not turn to greyish colour it can still be used)
300gm bread flour
300gm water
1g instant yeast
1) mix all the above till well cooperated and rest dough for 1hr at room temp covered. After an hr placed in the fridge for at least 16hrs and ready to use.
Sweet bread dough (yield abt 18-20pcs)
360gm bread flour
125 gm sugar ( I reduce to 90gm)
20g fresh yeast ( divide fresh yeast amt by 3 to get instant yeast required @ 6.5)
6gm salt
60gm water
75g egg
60g butter
25g honey
400gm starter dough
1) mixed all ingredient except butter to form a stretchable dough. add butter and continue to knead till stretchy and pass the window test
2)first proofing @ 40mins
3) cut dough to @60gm each, make round and rest for 20mins (possible covered)
4) make into desirable shape or wrap filling
5) rest for abt 30mins or double its size
6) egg wash and baked at 200c for 12mins
* additional steps i took is to 'feed' the yeast by dissolving yeast with some sugar in warm water (30c) for 5mins
300gm bread flour
300gm water
1g instant yeast
1) mix all the above till well cooperated and rest dough for 1hr at room temp covered. After an hr placed in the fridge for at least 16hrs and ready to use.
Sweet bread dough (yield abt 18-20pcs)
360gm bread flour
125 gm sugar ( I reduce to 90gm)
20g fresh yeast ( divide fresh yeast amt by 3 to get instant yeast required @ 6.5)
6gm salt
60gm water
75g egg
60g butter
25g honey
400gm starter dough
1) mixed all ingredient except butter to form a stretchable dough. add butter and continue to knead till stretchy and pass the window test
2)first proofing @ 40mins
3) cut dough to @60gm each, make round and rest for 20mins (possible covered)
4) make into desirable shape or wrap filling
5) rest for abt 30mins or double its size
6) egg wash and baked at 200c for 12mins
* additional steps i took is to 'feed' the yeast by dissolving yeast with some sugar in warm water (30c) for 5mins